Be The Change

Britney and Sidney are from Special Olympics Hawaii. They attended the Youth Leadership Experience at the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games in Seattle. Watch what they did in Seattle as well a back home at Maui High School. Maui High is a Unified Champion School. Using what they learned, Britney and Sidney put on an event in their community. They did this with help from a Youth Innovation Grant. “This video is a story of Britney and Sidney. It’s also about how you can make a difference in your community. Britney and Sidney came back from Seattle and took what they learned and turned it into something positive. Britney and Sidney made a difference by being leaders of inclusion. They put themselves out there to bring inclusion back to their school, and to Maui. They inspired Katie and I to do the same in Utah.” —Natalie Green, Co-Host Kat n Nat Podcast