Deran’s Moment

When Deran was younger, he had a childhood friend named Jenny. When Jenny passed away, Deran felt shocked at how no one seemed to react. His classmates did not care to know Jenny the way he had. This sparked something in Deran. He then dedicated his life to creating inclusion in school environments through Special Olympics Unified Sports.

US Youth Ambassadors 1 1 #UnifiedGeneration Review:

“This video shows how Deran’s friendship with Jenny  changed his life. It got him involved in Special Olympics. He became an athletic director and works with Unified Champion Schools to create opportunities for deeper connections through Unified Sports. The video shows how inclusion makes a person’s heart bigger and how one event can have a large impact. My favorite part of this video is Deran’s quote. It says, ‘We all could use a little more compassion and a little more understanding of people with differences.” Deran is promoting change and making a difference!”

—Kyle Norman and Jazlyn Young, 2018 US Youth Ambassadors (Montana)

About ‘The Moment’ Series

All around the country, people experience life-changing moments. Moments when they finally see the true power of inclusion. “The Moment”, is a 10 episode series. It shows how the Special Olympics movement has impacted people’s lives through the power of inclusion.