Megan and Patrick’s Moment

Jenni was a unifying force within her family and community. Jenni teamed up with her sister Megan to make a change. As a result, the two created Unified opportunities within their school. Jenni passed away at an early age, which left a hole in the hearts of many. Because of this Megan and Jenni’s other sibling Patrick wanted to do something. In order to continue Jenni’s legacy, Megan and Patrick became a Unified pair. The two served as leaders within Special Olympics Minnesota. Megan and Patrick represent how to persevere after going through hardship.

About “The Moment” Series

All around the country, people experience life-changing moments. Moments when they finally see the true power of inclusion. “The Moment”, is a 10 episode series. It shows how the Special Olympics movement has impacted people’s lives through the power of inclusion.