Noah’s Moment

Growing up Noah and had an estranged relationship with his brother Sam who has an intellectual disability. The brotherly bond Noah envisioned was non-existent. This all changed when Noah met Conrad through a Special Olympics Unified Club. Conrad also has intellectual disabilities. Through their friendship, it helped Noah understand and embrace differences with both his new friend Conrad and his brother.

US Youth Ambassadors 1#UnifiedGeneration Review:

“Noah’s Moment is so inspiring and a story that everyone can relate to in some way! The video shares Noah’s story about his brother, his struggle with depression and the impact his best friend, Conrad, has had on him. My favorite part of the video is when Noah explains how he and Conrad answer people’s questions about how they communicate with each other because together they have an inside joke to answer the question. After hearing Noah’s story, him and Conrad’s friendship is something I want to have with my best friend!” —Elyse Whittemore, 2018 US Youth Ambassador (Massachusetts)

About ‘The Moment’ Series

All around the country, people experience life-changing moments. Moments when they finally see the true power of inclusion. “The Moment”, is a 10 episode series. It shows how the Special Olympics movement has impacted people’s lives through the power of inclusion.